2016年1月22日 星期五

Chambar || 你沒看錯!Medina 的早午餐這裡也有!

2015-12-23 11.27.39

 上次小弟來 Chambar 是來吃他們家的 Dine Out (詳情請見2013-01-31 Chambar [ Dine Out Vancouver 2013 ]) ,那時候還在旁邊的一家小店。三年之後再來光顧,他們搬到更靠近 Stadium Station,更大間的店面了,而且也開始了早午餐的服務。

2015-12-23 10.14.13

據說,Medina 跟 Chambar 分家之後,幫 Medina 設計菜單的廚師接管了 Chambar,所以把很多 Medina 有的東西都帶過來了。(延伸閱讀: Medina || 早午餐界霸主 搬家了還是一樣好吃)

2016年1月1日 星期五

Kung Fu Chef || 點心 x 高貴 x 在 Surrey?


大家看到這名子 Kung Fu Chef,看一下地址,在 Surrey,相信大家跟小弟一樣,一開始的想法是...
1. 在 Surrey,中餐館就大概不要抱太大期望了。
2. 這看起來就像做給外國人吃的中餐館...


先說,走進去所有服務生看起來都不會講中文 (我們心想: 完了,地雷...)。拿了 Menu,先看了一下晚餐,恩,有點貴。看了一下點心,還好,中點 $4.95,大點 $5.50,廚點 $7.95。


豬肉燒賣 的 Size 還OK,出來是熱的,好險。肥瘦適中,吃起來不會有豬腥味。我們平常越來越少點燒賣的原因,就是因為市面上太多肥肉太多的燒賣,不過好險這裡的很好吃。.


荔茸香芋餃 很優,外面的皮沒有吃太多油,內餡肉的調味也不會太油太鹹,配上香軟的芋泥,這盤的等級完全可以跟麒麟/釣魚台這種高級餐廳比了。


避風塘茄子 的炸粉不會太厚,酥炸一樣沒有吃太多油,完全達到外酥內軟,搭上不會太鹹的調味,跟香酥的蒜頭片,不賴。


煎韭菜蝦餅 就有點偏油,不過蝦肉給很多,蝦肉吃起來還算脆。韭菜不確定是吸太多油還是不新鮮,不青。


酥炸流沙包 就有點失望了,主要是它沒有像流沙包該流出來的那個感覺,雖然味道是可以接受的。第二是裡面油膩加外面油炸,整個太有罪惡,不對,飽足感。


整體來說其實還算滿意,尤其是在這個只有利源早茶能看的狀況下,加了這家無非讓 Surrey 早茶素質提升了一個等級。就不知道他們能不能維持了。

Kung Fu Chef Chinese Restaurant
#130-8080 120th, Surrey, BC
( Behind Tim Hortons )
(778) 590-8399

地圖上面寫 Tim Hortons,不過其實是在後面那棟建築,很好找。

Kung Fu Chef || Dim Sum x Delicacy x in Surrey?


I don't usually write in English. But when I do, it's for new restaurants that I think might be worth sharing, or when someone wants me to translate. In fact this is like my second English post. Anyways, Today we came across a new Chinese restaurant at the Surrey-Delta border, at the location that used to be Saturday's Fish and Chips.

Forgive me first, that I was not having a high expectation, reason being:
1. It's on Scott Road. Or more generally, it's south of Fraser.
2. The outer and the inner of the restaurant looks like it's Chinese food tailored for non-Chinese eaters. (the inner being the remains of the previous restaurant). Not to mention that the servers we encountered don't seem to be able to speak Chinese.

Anyways, you can't judge a restaurant by its cover. We sat down and started looking into their menus. It was definitely on the pricey side of things in their dinner menu (thus the Delicacy label in the title), though they do have special dinner menus at more affordable prices. Their Dim Sum, on the other hand, was reasonably priced, at $4.95 for medium, $5.50 for large, and $7.95 for kitchen specials.


Pork Shiu Mai was decent sized, with a combination of enough lean meat and some fatty meats. We can't stand those mediocre Siu Mai's that have cheap, fat stuffing inside their yellow skins, so this is definitely a plus. The skins are fine too, they don't rip when you try to pick it up and send it to your mouth. It was served hot too, which is another plus.


Deep Fried Taro Dumplings are easily our favourite of the meal. There's enough meat that are nicely seasoned, wrapped in mashed taros, breaded and deep fried. What we really liked was that the deep frying process was done perfectly that it is light and crunchy, and not super oily. It is definitely one of the nicer Deep Fried Taro Dumpling in the Greater Vancouver area, comparable to higher level restaurants like Kirin and Fisherman's Terrace.